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Estate Planning

Successful estate planning helps you to better control the amount of tax you are liable to pay on the wealth you accumulate.

Neil holds a specialist license to assist with more complex estate planning cases.

You’ve worked hard to build up your current wealth. You may have taken risks, devoted long hours to building up your business or made sacrifices to establish your investment portfolio. At the same time, you’ve probably paid a significant amount of tax in the form of:

— Income tax

— Corporation tax

— Capital Gains Tax

— Stamp Duty Land Tax

— National Insurance

— And then, of course, there’s Inheritance Tax (IHT)

While IHT may be a legitimate concern for you and your beneficiaries, there is more to estate planning than simply trying to reduce the Chancellor’s slice of your legacy. To start with, it’s important to think about what you’d like to happen to your wealth when you die, and as our advice is personal to you, your concerns and wishes form a vital part of the estate planning process.

Senior couple hugging

HM Revenue & Customs practice and the law relating to taxation are complex and subject to individual circumstances and changes, which cannot be foreseen.

Please contact an accountant or tax specialist for specific tax advice.

As a general rule, if you live in the UK and consider it to be your permanent home, then you are regarded as having UK domicile and your entire estate, wherever it is situated, will be subject to UK IHT. 

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